I Got Meta Verified on Instagram — Here’s My Honest Review


I’ve attempted to get verified on Instagram about three times over the past few years and — as awkward as it is to admit — been rejected every single time. 

So when Meta, the company that owns Instagram, introduced Meta Verified, a monthly subscription that will give you that coveted blue checkmark on Facebook, Instagram, or both, my interest was piqued. 

I’ll be honest: Mostly, I just wanted the satisfaction of seeing the blue badge on my profile. But Meta promised a handful of other benefits along with verification, including new features and enhanced support, that seemed worth trying out. With that in mind, I coughed up the $14.99/month (the cost varies by region) to put Meta Verified to the test.

Would the official blue check still hold the credibility it did before you could buy it? Or would there be some Instagram algorithm magic that gave my content a boost, making it more likely to land on the Explore page and in my followers’ feeds? 

Things might be heading in that direction since Instagram is testing a separate Meta Verified-only feed that users can turn on (which they recently revealed in the IG Updates Broadcast Channel). 

I was about to find out. Here’s everything you need to know about using Instagram with a Meta Verified subscription — and whether it might boost reach and engagement for your Instagram account. 

There are five benefits Meta highlights as incentives to pay a monthly fee for the Verified offering. I’ll lay them all out here, but scroll on to ‘the verdict’ for my review of all these perks. 

  1. A verified badge: Meta Verified’s biggest draw is the blue check at the top of your Facebook profile to “help your community know that it’s the real you,” Meta says.
  2. Account protection: Meta promises “added protection for your profile with proactive impersonation monitoring” as part of the offering.
  3. Account support: Access to a better support system to resolve issues that may crop up.
  4. Exclusive stickers: Access to Meta Verified stickers on Stories and Reels.
  5. Trial features: First access to potential benefits that Meta is testing for verified users. 

We have a thorough guide on how to get verified on Instagram (including the non-paid route), so I’ll give you a high-level overview here. 

Before you start, it’s worth noting that paying for Meta Verified does not automatically mean you will be verified. There are still a few hoops to jump through. 

For your profile to be eligible (the requirements for businesses to be verified are slightly different), you must:

  • Be 18 or older.
  • Have a prior posting history.
  • Have a profile picture that clearly shows your face and a profile name that adheres to Meta Verified naming standards.
  • A government-issued photo ID that meets Meta Verified ID requirements.
  • Have two-factor authentication enabled.
  • Follow Instagram’s Terms of Use and Community Guidelines.

Good news, though: Unlike Instagram’s original verification process, you don’t need to prove you’re a notable public figure to subscribe to Meta Verified. 

The process of signing up is pretty straightforward. Before you begin the process, make sure you have a clear copy of your identity document ready to upload.  

  1. Go to your Instagram profile by tapping your profile picture on the bottom right of the app.
  2. Tap the hamburger menu (the three lines on the top right).
  3. Choose Meta Verified, then tap Next.
  4. Choose which Meta accounts you’d like verified (you can choose multiple accounts and Facebook pages).
  5. Confirm and pay. From here on out, you’ll be charged the monthly subscription fee unless you cancel. 
  6. Confirm your profile picture and username (make sure your name is the same as what is on your identity document).
  7. Upload a copy of your driver’s license, passport, or ID card — and you’re done!

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