9 Smartest Dog Breeds With Longest Lifespan


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We all dream that our beloved dogs could be with us forever. Even though they grace our lives for a relatively short time, often just 10-13 years, it always seems too brief. If you’ve ever gazed at your dog and wished they could stay by your side indefinitely, you’re certainly not alone. Indeed, the longing for more time with our pets is a feeling many of us share.

Interestingly, studies, like a recent one in Scientific Reports, show that smaller, long-nosed dogs tend to live the longest, while larger, flat-faced breeds may have shorter lifespans. As dog lovers, we naturally want to spend as many years as possible with our furry friends, and choosing a smart dog often adds to the joy.

Intelligent dogs are not just companions; they’re loyal, trainable, and capable of engaging in a wide range of activities—from agility competitions to obedience training, they truly shine.

So why not seek the best of both worlds? Let’s explore the top nine smartest dog breeds known for their longevity, combining brilliant minds with enduring companionship.

Smartest Dog Breeds with Longest Lifespan

1. Shiba Inu

Personality Alert, active, attentive
Energy Level Regular Exercise
Trainability Relatively easy to train
Height 14.5-16.5 inches (male), 13.5-15.5 inches (female)
Weight 23 pounds (male), 17 pounds (female)
Life Expectancy 13-16 years

The Shiba Inu is a remarkable breed, renowned not only for its intelligence but also for its longevity. One Shiba Inu even set a Guinness World Record in 2010 by living to the astonishing age of 26, although the typical lifespan ranges from 13 to 16 years. Owners should be mindful of certain health issues, such as dislocated hips and eye problems, that can affect this breed.

Often referred to as the “cat of the dog kingdom,” Shibas possess distinctive independence and a certain aloofness around strangers, similar to the typical feline demeanor. They are not particularly fond of sharing or overly enthusiastic about unfamiliar faces.

Shiba Inus are highly intelligent dogs with a unique, fox-like appearance that enhances their appeal. They are independent yet loyal, offering affection mainly to those they respect while remaining reserved around others.

While Shiba Inus make excellent family pets, they are best suited for experienced pet owners who are prepared to handle their training needs. These dogs can be stubborn and often challenging to train, but the effort can be very rewarding. Additionally, Shibas are known for being quite vocal, particularly when stressed or anxious.

2. Chihuahua

Smartest Dog Breeds
Personality Charming, graceful, sassy
Energy Level Regular Exercise
Trainability Agreeable
Height 5-8 inches
Weight not exceeding 6 pounds
Life Expectancy 14-16 years

The Chihuahua, recognized as the smallest breed in the dog world, boasts a rich heritage dating back to the 9th century. Originating from Central America, these tiny dogs were highly valued by the ancient civilizations there. Known for their impressive longevity, Chihuahuas typically enjoy lifespans of 14 to 16 years.

Despite their diminutive size, Chihuahuas are not as fragile as they may appear. However, they are bred for warmer climates and do not fare well in colder environments. Their small stature does predispose them to certain health issues related to their skeletal and respiratory systems, such as problems with their knees and windpipes.

Chihuahuas are known for their sharp intelligence and high alertness. They are keen to learn and eager to please their owners, making them responsive to training that includes games and activities to keep their minds active. These dogs thrive on challenges and enjoy engaging in play that stimulates both their bodies and minds.

Chihuahuas are exceedingly loving and extremely loyal. They usually get along well with children and other animals, particularly when proper introductions are made early on. However, due to their small size, they might not be the best match for very young or active children who may unintentionally handle them too roughly.

3. Miniature Pinscher

Smart Dog Breeds
Personality Fearless, fun-loving, proud
Energy Level Regular Exercise
Trainability Agreeable
Height 10-12.5 inches
Weight 8-10 pounds
Life Expectancy 12-16 years

Miniature Pinschers, often affectionately referred to as “Min Pins,” are celebrated not only for their vivacity but also for their impressive longevity, typically living between 10 to 14 years, with some reaching up to 16 years. These dogs are generally robust and healthy, though they share some common health concerns with other small breeds.

Known for their intelligence, Miniature Pinschers are deeply loyal to their families, yet they display a strong sense of independence that can sometimes manifest as stubbornness. This trait suggests that consistent obedience training is essential, and early socialization and puppy training classes are highly recommended to shape a well-mannered adult dog.

WebMD highlights that Miniature Pinschers are social and playful, with a particular fondness for family interactions. Despite their love for play, their interactions with children need to be monitored as they can sometimes be rough.

Min Pins are also highly adaptable and thrive on engagement in fun activities, making them suitable for various living situations as long as they are provided with enough mental and physical stimulation. However, due to their spirited and sometimes challenging nature, they may not be the ideal choice for first-time dog owners.

4. Miniature Schnauzer

Smartest Dogs in the world
Personality Friendly, smart, obedient
Energy Level Regular Exercise
Trainability Eager to Please
Height 12-14 inches
Weight 11-20 pounds
Life Expectancy 12-15 years

The Miniature Schnauzer is a robust, muscular breed known for its longevity, typically living between 12 to 15 years. This makes them an excellent choice for families, as they not only enjoy a long life but also love interacting with children.

Although generally healthy, Miniature Schnauzers can face breed-specific health challenges, including high blood fat levels, pancreatitis, diabetes, and bladder stones. These health issues often require a tailored diet to manage fat levels and prevent complications.

PetMD highlights the Mini Schnauzer’s intelligence and lively nature. These dogs have a real zest for life and a strong desire to please their families, which makes them responsive to training despite a somewhat stubborn streak.

Originally bred as versatile farm dogs and adept ratters, Miniature Schnauzers are tough and fearless, yet they are not aggressive. They strike a perfect balance of being energetic enough to manage life on a farm yet adaptable enough for apartment living. They’re known for their bright, friendly demeanor, which makes them wonderful companions. Additionally, their size and energy make them suitable for both small and large living spaces.

5. Shih Tzu

Dog Breeds with Longest Lifespan
Personality Affectionate, playful, outgoing
Energy Level Regular Exercise
Trainability Easy to Train
Height 9-10.5 inches
Weight 9-16 pounds
Life Expectancy 10-18 years

The Shih Tzu, a breed that remained largely hidden from the Western world until the 20th century, was once a cherished companion of royalty during China’s Ming Dynasty. Known for their durability and charm, these small dogs boast an impressive lifespan, typically living between 10 to 18 years.

While generally healthy, Shih Tzus can be prone to skin irritations and, due to their prominent eyes, may be sensitive to dust, sun, and wind. Regular grooming is essential to keep them comfortable and healthy.

Shih Tzus are recognized for their high intelligence—they often seem to know what their owners are planning even before the owners themselves do! Petplan notes that although Shih Tzus are eager to please, they can sometimes show a stubborn streak, which may present challenges during training.

To keep training effective and engaging, it’s best to keep sessions short, enjoyable, and interspersed with plenty of playtime and physical activity to satisfy their energetic nature.

6. Maltese

Longest Lifespan dogs
Personality Playful, charming, gentle
Energy Level Regular Exercise
Trainability Agreeable
Height 7-9 inches
Weight under 7 pounds
Life Expectancy 12-15 years

The Maltese, an elegant breed with a history that spans over 28 centuries, is celebrated not only for its longevity, with an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years but also for its distinguished place in ancient cultures. Revered by the Egyptians and mentioned by Greek and Roman philosophers, the Maltese has a regal heritage.

Today, the ASPCA notes that Maltese dogs are generally healthy but may be susceptible to specific health issues such as allergies, ear infections, and gastrointestinal problems. These potential issues highlight the importance of regular veterinary care and attention.

They thrive on human companionship and prefer being close to their owners, whether snuggling in laps, sleeping cozily in arms, or following closely underfoot. This intense attachment makes them prone to separation anxiety, underscoring the need for careful attention to their emotional well-being.

Intelligence is a hallmark of the Maltese breed; they have mastered the art of persuading their humans to cater to their desires through centuries of companionship. Training them requires consistency and patience, as they can be quite stubborn.

7. Australian Cattle Dog

Smartest Dog ever
Personality Alert, curious, pleasant
Energy Level Needs Lots of Activity
Trainability Easy to Train
Height 18-20 inches (male), 17-19 inches (female)
Weight 35-50 pounds
Life Expectancy 12-16 years

The Australian Cattle Dog is renowned for its impressive lifespan, typically ranging from 12 to 16 years, with some individuals even surpassing this to reach 17 or 18 years. Notably, the breed boasts the record-holder for the oldest known dog—Bluey from Australia, who lived an extraordinary 29 years and five months, as documented by Guinness World Records.

Prospective owners should be aware of several health conditions that can affect this breed, including heart conditions, eye defects, deafness, and orthopedic issues like hip dysplasia. Despite these potential health concerns, Australian Cattle Dogs are generally robust and durable.

Hillspet highlights the breed’s exceptional attributes: Australian Cattle Dogs are bred for demanding tasks and are known for their extreme alertness, intelligence, and courageousness. They are intensely loyal to their owners and can be wary around strangers, traits that make them excellent watchdogs, though they are characteristically not prone to unnecessary barking.

Due to their high intelligence and active nature, Australian Cattle Dogs require regular mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom, which can lead to mischief.

8. Dachshund

small dogs
Personality Friendly, curious, spunky
Energy Level Regular Exercise
Trainability Easy to Train
Height 8-9 inches (standard), 5-6 inches (miniature)
Weight 16-32 pounds (standard), 11 pounds & under (miniature)
Life Expectancy 12-16 years

The Dachshund, affectionately known as the “wiener dog,” is beloved for its unique and charming appearance. With life spans typically ranging from 12 to 16 years, these dogs have long been favored for their playful spirit and endearing personalities. Dachshunds were originally bred in the Middle Ages in Germany for hunting, their long, low bodies perfectly designed for burrowing into badger dens.

One of the crucial aspects of caring for a Dachshund is protecting their elongated back. It’s important to keep them lean to avoid undue stress on their spine and to prevent them from jumping off high furniture, which can lead to injuries.

According to the PDSA, Dachshunds are affectionate and playful little dogs with a surprising amount of energy for their size. They thrive on being involved in all aspects of home life and are known for their loyal yet independent nature, which can sometimes make training a challenge.

Dachshunds are truly entertaining companions, never allowing a dull moment in the household with their playful antics. After a day full of activity and mischief, they love nothing more than to curl up with their owners in a cozy spot.

9. Parson Russell Terrier

are terrier dog smart
Personality Clever, friendly, athletic
Energy Level Needs Lots of Activity
Trainability Easy to Train
Height 14 inches (male), 13 inches (female)
Weight 13-17 pounds
Life Expectancy 13-15 years

Parson Russell Terriers are celebrated for their robust health and impressive longevity, typically enjoying lifespans of 13 to 15 years. While generally healthy, they are susceptible to certain conditions such as luxating patellas, lens luxation, and cataracts. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to maintain their health and catch any potential issues early.

Special Dietary Needs for Long-Lived Dog Breed

The American Kennel Club describes the Parson Russell Terrier as a bold and clever dog breed endowed with enough speed to keep up with horses and the fearlessness to flush a fox from its den. These dogs are independent and proficient problem solvers, often displaying a strong will and their own unique methods for tackling challenges. Due to their strong hunting instincts, they are not recommended for households with small pets.

Parson Russells are moderate shedders and shed throughout the year, which requires consistent grooming. They thrive on companionship and do not fare well when left alone, often experiencing separation anxiety if not properly trained or engaged. These terriers demand proper obedience training to manage their spirited disposition; without it, they can be quite challenging to handle.


When exploring the realm of the longest-living dog breeds, it’s evident that many factors contribute to their longevity and health. Toy Poodles and Yorkshire Terriers stand out as small dogs that not only offer extended lifespans but also embody characteristics of the healthiest dog breeds. These breeds are often celebrated as great family pets, offering companionship and joy to pet parents for many years.

Australian Shepherds, though larger, are another healthy breed known for their intelligence and energy, making them fantastic partners for active pet parents. While they face some health problems, their overall vitality and care contribute to their status as a long-living dog breed. The title of the oldest dog has been held by individuals of various breeds, underscoring the potential for longevity across different dog breeds.

For those looking to bring a new canine member into their home, considering one of these breeds can be particularly rewarding. They not only bring years of joy but also the peace of mind that comes with adopting a dog known for health and vitality.

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